Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Horoscope-very telling
I don't usually follow the horoscopes regularly but saw this on Yahoo and it makes me wonder....
10/23 – 11/21
Year 2010 Overview
Scorpios have a certain reputation for taking things a little too seriously, and to some extent you've earned that. The next year is going to give you new opportunities to really express yourself in new ways, and to get results from all that Scorpionic intensity you've been carrying around all your life. On the one hand, there will be new pressures developing as far as a lot of long-standing issues that you've faced for a long time, and that have been building for the last few years. New channels of communication will be opening up for you, and new ways to express yourself.
There may be a sense of deep pressure building when it comes to how you live your life and deal with the Big Picture issues. The usual problems of day-to-day living -- paying the bills, dealing with relationships, making time for yourself -- may merely be the guise in which these issues present themselves. In fact, with Saturn transiting your Twelfth House of hidden issues, you may find yourself confronted with people and issues that are merely your own issues in disguise. Think of it as a psychodrama where those around you are merely playing out individual psychological factors within yourself.
10/23 – 11/21
Year 2010 Overview
Scorpios have a certain reputation for taking things a little too seriously, and to some extent you've earned that. The next year is going to give you new opportunities to really express yourself in new ways, and to get results from all that Scorpionic intensity you've been carrying around all your life. On the one hand, there will be new pressures developing as far as a lot of long-standing issues that you've faced for a long time, and that have been building for the last few years. New channels of communication will be opening up for you, and new ways to express yourself.
There may be a sense of deep pressure building when it comes to how you live your life and deal with the Big Picture issues. The usual problems of day-to-day living -- paying the bills, dealing with relationships, making time for yourself -- may merely be the guise in which these issues present themselves. In fact, with Saturn transiting your Twelfth House of hidden issues, you may find yourself confronted with people and issues that are merely your own issues in disguise. Think of it as a psychodrama where those around you are merely playing out individual psychological factors within yourself.
New Year Favorite List - reflective

As the New Year quickly approaches I thought I would share my Top Five favorites list of the this year.
Soulless by Gail Carriger This turned out to be my favorite book from this year.
Devil In Winter by Lisa Kleypas Part of the Wildflower Series, I love a good bad boy
Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris-terrific sequel
Scent of the Shadows: First signs of the Zodiac by Vicki Pettersson-New Series I found
Natural Born Charmer by Susan Elizabeth Phillips-Laugh out loud funny
Television Shows:

True Blood HBO
Criminal Minds CBS
Chopped Food Network
America's Next Top Model CW
Modern Family ABC -hilarious
Blind Side
District 9
Whip It (pure fun)
Craft Trends I explored:
Stitching on paper
Acrylic stamping (I have been stamping for years, but really got into this this year)
Ruffling crepe paper
Ribbon Clasps-fun and easy
Looking forward to New Year full of endless possibilities......
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Finding a balance

Right now I feel like I am struggling, I have been making myself more aware of what I am eating, lack of exercise, and how I am feeling. I feel like a lump though...The house is a disaster again, I clean daily but by night it is a mess (kids and hubby) and feel ridiculously stressed out.
I work from home so I am here all the time but am trying to find a balance between working and home. I am like a fish out of water.
How do you find a balance? If anyone has any great ideas let me know. I know when I have a plan or the house is clean I accomplish a lot more than not. I think it is about the attitude.
Today I plan to focus on getting house cleaned and mopped and laundry caught up. I would like to take the tree down and the Christmas Ornaments put away as well as get the work I need to do done. I better get off the computer if Iwant to accomplish these goals...have a good day:)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Monday-Garden Chowder, Crusty Bread
Tuesday-Chipotle Bean Burritos, Fruit
Wednesday-Tuna Noodle Casserole, Steamed Broccoli
Thursday-New Years-Takeout
Friday-Mexican Casserole, Salad
Saturday-Chipolte Chicken Salad
Sunday-VBLT (Veggie Bacon, Lettuce Tomato) sandwhiches, Homemade Fries
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A New Week

I want to finish getting the house in order today, I have been trying to clean up my craft room as well. I did all of my wrapping in the craft room and it looks like a bomb went off.
I have achieved a few things though...
January will be Kitchen month, dedicating a time each day to work on the kitchen and clean and purge.
I started tracking again for Weight Watchers, planning to incorporate three days of exercise each week for January starting slow and steady but it is better than the nothing I do right now.
I have my pile of craft projects organized and ready to once I get the house tided, craft room done, I can start creating.
I need to update my Etsy site and have a bunch of detash to sell. Thursdays will be Etsy day again, I was doing so well but the holidays hit and life happened.
What are your plans for January?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Successful Christmas....
The MERRY CHRISTMAS menu was a huge success. As much work that went in it was low key and a lot of fun to try so many different recipes. Most of what I made were excellent, the Tzaiki had a little too much dill but by the next day was delicious.
Now that Christmas is over I am focusing on getting the house back in shape, it looks like a disaster went off. Focusing on goals for me. I am mortified by the pictures I have of me this holiday, they are not who I want to be. I am starting today on finding a better balance for food, exercise and me....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Every year I scour the stores and fairs trying to find a new ornament/item to add to my collection. This year I had given up hope until I ran across this adorable Snowman Puppeteer from Pumpkinseeds by Enesco. The Snowman is absolutely adorable. Has a tiny snowman puppet he holds and is about 6" in height.

Another tradition I have is to get my husband and daughters ornaments each year. This year I found the blue robot for my hubby and two marshmallow snowman cupcakes for the girls.
We begin our festivities on Christmas Eve with my family coming over and we fill the stockings for everyone and than pass out. The kids are tinkering with their stuffers while we prepare the meal and we eat.
This year buffet style see previous post for meal plan.
After the meal is done we pass out gifts three at a time so we can see what everyone is opening, many hours later we pack up and leave (well I stay) but everyone goes home with goodies and happiness filling the room.
Christmas Morning is coffee for me until everyone wakes up. Once up the stockings are passed out and we open with glee. The brunch style food is setup and than onto the gifts. The kitties and dog are going crazy by then because their stockings had wonderful treats and they are playing with the wrapping paper.
Christmas Evening we have dinner (enchiladas) this year and spend time with my husbands family. We veg out the rest of the evening because we are all exhausted and just enjoy the quietness of the house as the evening progresses.
So what is your tradition?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tis the Season Grumblings....

Why does it seem that stores raise their prices this time of year?
When it says it is on sale, is it really?
How come all the really bad Christmas Movies are on television and you can't find the really good ones of late?
Some holiday songs just don't need to be remade.
When a neighbor brings you a basket full of handmade treats, you have to make time to make some to disperse as well....
Trying to coordinate with family can be like getting your hand slapped with a ruler.
Instead of getting a Christmas Card I am getting email cards...not quite the same....
I have a grey cloud over my head today....
Monday, December 21, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Menu for the week-
Trying to make it pretty simple with something lighter on Wednesday
Monday-Roasted Halibut w/Red Potatoes, Lemon and Tomatoes
Tuesday-Dinner Out
Wednesday-Montecito Burrito, melon
Thursday-Merry Christmas Menu (see below)
Friday-Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Corn and Tomato Salad
Saturday/Sunday Leftovers
Found this great thread on Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Mondays
Trying to make it pretty simple with something lighter on Wednesday
Monday-Roasted Halibut w/Red Potatoes, Lemon and Tomatoes
Tuesday-Dinner Out
Wednesday-Montecito Burrito, melon
Thursday-Merry Christmas Menu (see below)
Friday-Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Corn and Tomato Salad
Saturday/Sunday Leftovers
Found this great thread on Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Mondays
Making a list...checking it twice

Well I came up with a not so brilliant idea, although it sounded good at the time. I decided to change things up for Christmas Eve.
Ordinarily we have Christmas Eve dinner with the traditional Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and festive meal. This year both sides of the family are planning big meals on Christmas so instead of two heavy meals I came up with a fun less stressful plan. (here is where it goes awry).
I asked the family to choose three letters in MERRY CHRISTMAS and make three dishes to match the letters and keep it simple, more buffet style.
Side Note: We do cookoffs with trying new recipes and judging so this is not unusual.
I allowed the family to choose the letters first and I would plan to do the rest. Well, I have overwhelmed myself with the letters I received. So here is the final menu for Christmas Eve, a one time deal I think for my house but will trudge through and have fun with it anyway.
M-Molasses Baked Chicken
R-Red Sangria-ME
Y-Yummy Bean Dip-Me
C-Coconut Cake
H-Hush Puppies
T-Tiger Butter-ME
M-Mousse (Chocolate)
As you can see it is a plethora of food, I had a heck of a time trying to match foods but think all will work out. Will post pictures of the event in an upcoming blog.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

I recently turned 40 which was difficult in the sense of awareness, but not as a birthday as a whole. I kept this where I want to this where I saw myself at 40? Answer easily=maybe.
This last year I have continued struggling with weight, organization, and exercise. I have successfully been tackling trying new things, cooking more consistently, and listening more. As I reflect on 2009 and look at 2010 I have some goals I would like to achieve in the upcoming years...not just year.
Goals for 2010:
1. Lose 10% of my body weight
2. Find an exercise plan that will not overwhelm me and perhaps an exercise buddy
3. Try 24 new craft ideas (that is two a month), this is what I call Craft Therapy
4. Read 100 books, last year I made a goal of 50 which I overachieved anyway so will shoot for 100.
5. Buy a binder and chronicle the menus for the weeks that I plan, I would like to be able to refer to later and I usually make something once. Some recipes deserve to be tried twice.
6. Find an organization/Flylady method that works for me.
7. Continue to develop my business
8. Learn to take better pictures
Goals for the next decade:
1. Get healthy...right now not as healthy as I should be
2. Be open to new things, I can be pretty set in my ways
3. Live a life I am happy with
4. Double my business
5. Take all of my pictures and finish scrapbooks
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