Well I came up with a not so brilliant idea, although it sounded good at the time. I decided to change things up for Christmas Eve.
Ordinarily we have Christmas Eve dinner with the traditional Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and festive meal. This year both sides of the family are planning big meals on Christmas so instead of two heavy meals I came up with a fun less stressful plan. (here is where it goes awry).
I asked the family to choose three letters in MERRY CHRISTMAS and make three dishes to match the letters and keep it simple, more buffet style.
Side Note: We do cookoffs with trying new recipes and judging so this is not unusual.
I allowed the family to choose the letters first and I would plan to do the rest. Well, I have overwhelmed myself with the letters I received. So here is the final menu for Christmas Eve, a one time deal I think for my house but will trudge through and have fun with it anyway.
M-Molasses Baked Chicken
R-Red Sangria-ME
Y-Yummy Bean Dip-Me
C-Coconut Cake
H-Hush Puppies
T-Tiger Butter-ME
M-Mousse (Chocolate)
As you can see it is a plethora of food, I had a heck of a time trying to match foods but think all will work out. Will post pictures of the event in an upcoming blog.
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